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We help caregivers, businesses and their staff learn skills necessary to increase success and promote fulfilling experiences for adults with disabilities.

Private Pay Options
Initial Assessment $125.00
Consultation Hourly Rate $60.00
Prepaid Consultation Packages
Initial assessment must be completed before the first consultation for any of the packages below. Packages include in person or virtual consultations with Board Certified Behavior Analysts.
*If you are enrolled in the Texas HCS or CLASS programs these services can be added to your individual plan of care. Speak with your case manager about how to add Girasol Support as your behavior support provider.

Choose Your Plan
Initial Assessment
125$Initial consultation for assessment required for all plansValid for 3 months- Assessment of target behavior(s).
- Interview with staff and caregivers
- Consultation with individual.
- Recommendations and summary of results.
576$12 hour consultationValid for 3 months- Individualized treatment plan.
- In person training with a Board Certified Behavior Analyst.
- Personalized visual aids.
- Phone and tele-health consults available as needed.
- Staff training.
480$10 hours of consultationValid for 6 months- Individualized treatment plan.
- In person training with a Board Certified Behavior Analyst.
- Personalized visual aids.
- Phone and tele-health consults available as needed.
366$7 hours of consultationValid for 3 months- Individualized treatment plan.
- In person training with a Board Certified Behavior Analyst.
- Personalized visual aids.
60$Add a consultation as neededValid for 3 months- One hour consultation with Board Certified Behavior Analyst.

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